Alliar and NeuralMed bring artificial intelligence to hospital care

A study by Allied Market Research indicates that the global big data market for healthcare, valued at US$16.87 billion in 2017, could reach US$67.82 billion by 2025. This growth shows how much the healthcare sector will be impacted by data and artificial intelligence systems to ensure efficiency and quality of care for all patients.

Aware of this scenario, Alliar, the third largest diagnostic medicine company in Brazil, has a new solution to assist in screening and decision-making for health institutions. In partnership with NeuralMed, the company uses artificial intelligence to analyze images, medical texts and multiple modalities simultaneously, aiming to improve the quality of hospital care.

According to Fábio Mattoso, director of healthtech iDr, which is part of Grupo Alliar, the initiative will start with a chest x-ray, one of the most requested exams in emergencies. According to him, the idea is for the partnership between the two companies to grow and for both to work together in the development of other solutions, expanding the technology for mammography and tomography.

“With this solution, it will be possible to prioritize the care of the most serious patient in an emergency environment, such as an emergency room. Artificial intelligence interprets the x-ray image and is able to identify certain pathologies. It is a facilitator for the doctor, who receives an alert from the system in more critical cases, thus helping with the screening”, says Mattoso.

Anthony Eigier, CEO of NeuralMed, says the company’s artificial intelligence systems put the patient at the center of analysis, detecting pathologies and helping practitioners improve decision-making accuracy, while minimizing time and costs in the process. obtaining the results.

“The use of technological innovations in health is a reality. Doctors and other healthcare professionals in the area already rely on technology as an ally that can streamline care with greater precision, using our artificial intelligence.”

With the partnership, iDr (Remote Diagnostic Intelligence) will be able to distribute the solution to its customers, expanding its portfolio. Grupo Alliar’s technological vertical offers healthcare services remotely, such as teleradiology, graphic methods and the operation of diagnostic imaging equipment. Today, iDr already serves more than 25 hospitals and clinics throughout Brazil in 13 Brazilian states, with recent expansion to Amazonas.

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